Infidelity And What To Do After The Affair Recent statistics suggest that 40% of women (and that number is increasing) and 60% of men at one point indulge in extramarital affairs. Put those numbers together and it is estimated that 80% of the marriages will have one spouse at one point or another involved in […]
You Can Save Your Marriage From Divorce
It’s NOT Too Late To Save Your Relationship And Return to The Love You Once Had!

There is hope that you can turn things around but you need to understand there are things that will make you become closer and there are things you want to avoid doing because they will tear you farther apart. I will teach you the do's and don'ts for reconnecting.
Have you found yourself having the same arguments with your partner time and time again? Have you figured out a way to avoid them, or have you just given up on the relationship completely?

Are you growing farther and farther apart and one of you is even talking about ending the marriage or telling you they are leaving? It's so hurtful to feel you about to lose someone you love so deeply.
There are few things more painful than relationship troubles. You may have just found out your spouse is having an affair - or is withdrawn and hard to reach. As a matter of fact, you may be barely speaking to each other let alone receive affection or a kind word. You may now feel like just roommates sleeping as far away from each other as possible. It may have gone a step further than that with one of you moving to another bedroom or sleeping on the couch. Betrayal, heartbreak, disappointment, resentment, and just plain feeling let down by your partner is the deepest pain we can know. That pain gets even worse when it feels as if our relationship is failing and falling apart. All you want to do is make the pain stop and get back that passionate, connected relationship you once had - that or run out the door. You just don’t know what to do or where it will ever end.
- Break it down to what you need to do now - right in this moment
- Know there is a solution to your relationship problems
- Even though I am so angry, hurt, and frustrated with [name your partner] I believe in us
- Call me - I will help you through this
John Gottman and Brené Brown on Running Headlong Into Heartbreak
By Kerry Lusignan, MA, LMHC on the Gottman Blog When Couples Get Disconnected and Violate Trust It Is Heartbreaking To a seasoned couples therapist, the telltale signs of a relationship in crisis are universal. While every marriage is unique, with distinct memories and stories that capture its essence, how it looks at its core, the […]
Keeping the Romance Alive
Keeping Romance Alive The most basic and straightforward way that people can continue keeping the romance alive is by not letting things become predictable. The couple that keeps a good deal of spontaneity in their lives will have no problem keeping the romance alive when the time comes. Another easy thing to do in hopes […]
Dr Oz and Wife Lisa’s 5 Tips For Lasting Love
Dr. Oz: 5 Tips for Lasting Love, Health, and Happiness We take a peek at the private lives of Dr. Oz and his wife Lisa. The handsome 51-year-old Dr. Mehmet Oz—bestselling author, TV personality, and renowned heart surgeon—struts into the studio for his SHAPE cover shoot and greets his wife, Lisa, 48, a mother of […]

How Did My Wife Get So Unhappy With Me
When Your Wife Wants A Divorce You aren’t alone. Can you believe that over one million marriages will end in divorce this year, 70% of those divorces are initiated by women? Has your wife told you she is not “in love with you anymore” ? Has she stopped being affectionate? Does it seem as if […]

Remember Wives That Your Husbands Want To Make You Happy
Why Do Men Avoid Getting Relationship Help? Husbands Really Want To Make Their Wives Happy You both feel the disconnection. You feel like roommates. You may even be sleeping in separate rooms. You come to a point where one of you doesn’t want to live this way any longer. You seek help with your marriage. […]