How To Be A Parent and A Spouse At The Same Time
Parenting is the most arduous job there is. It is also a wonderful experience to have children. Sometimes we put our focus on our children and become the best parents we can be. We forget to focus on each other. This can create a distance between us. Did you know that that distance becomes bigger and bigger through the years. Think about how you can be a parent and a spouse at the same time.
If you’re a step parent, especially of kids that came into the relationship at a later age, it is beyond description. Kids are singularly demanding creatures. They wants to be loved and feel special too. Most have no understanding of selflessness until they reach adulthood and some never do.
If a marriage is to survive the trials of parenthood, it must be focused on the parents as a couple. If one or the other surrenders to the exclusivity of the children, it will end in a bitter train wreck. The key is to make sure you have some couple time together. The average couple spends 12 minutes a day talking – but it is mostly concerning the logistics of the relationship like who is going to take the kids to practice and what’s for dinner. If you have kids studies show that you only get 5 minutes a day to talk. Make sure you fine just a few minutes in the day to catch up with each other.
Concentrate on keeping intimacy alive and keep the personal fun in your lives that attracted you to each other before the kids showed up. . Don’t surrender your love to the tantrums of unyielding children.
There is a place for them and a place for the two of you as well.
Define the parameters and continue to take a walk in the moonlight without them.
They won’t be traumatized or suffer horrendous depression from the lack of attention, I promise.