Marriage Rituals Keep Love Alive
Did you ever notice how happy your dog is to see you at the end of the day? For that matter, try an experiment and just walk out the door and come back in after a couple of moments and you will get the same response. Your dog will greet you with such joy and excitement. Your dog will spin around, wag its tails, and even jump up just to get your attention. I know that I can learn a lot from my dog. Well, he is actually a puppy…an early Christmas present from my son. The puppy is full of happiness and is very affectionate. The experience has helped me to remember how important it is to greet your spouse with such enthusiasm at the end of the day. What I mean by that is that take the time to greet your spouse at the door with a smile and kind word. Hold off on telling all the daily events until you take a few moments to embrace and welcome each other back home. You would be amazed at what a smile does for someone walking in the door with the words “I missed you, today.” It will change everything about the rest of the evening and besides the daily worries will still be there but the way you are able to face them will be forever changed.
What rituals do you incorporate in your marriage?