The movies are such a great outlet and escape. Some of my favorites are the classics and great message movies. Casa Blanca, The Unforgiven (my husband really opened up the meaning behind this one), Marley and Me, any Carey Grant movie, Meet Joe Black, Out Of Africa and many many more. There are messages in all movies. After all they are written by a living breathing human being that has been in a relationship. The movies have great titles…Dr. Strangelove…The Wedding Planner…Austrailia…Gone With The Wind… and the ones you’re thinking about too. During the course of working with clients, I mentioned to one of my clients that I was introducing the topic of relationships at a new workshop that just started. I asked him what movie describes his relationship by the message in a movie. He quickly said Gone With The Wind. That stopped me dead in my tracks as the reality sank in with where he is in relationship with his wife. What changed? What can change? Why we need the happy ending… we have been conditioned to expect it. The same is true for your relationships. You want the happy ending. So how do you get that? Just like in the movies, you realize what really matters. You make that person the priority. You know yourself so well that you can articulate your needs. You co-create the relationship that works for the two of you. You know how to be in a relationship. You discover new things about each other. You change things so that they do not become routine and predictable like only grocery shopping on a certain day…change is growth. So now what movie do you want your relationship to be?

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