There is always going to be something to stress you out or something to make you worry about what is coming tomorrow, but having fun as a part of your relationship should never be forgotten. I don’t have to cite the endless amount of studies that show the relaxing and comforting feeling that fun has on the human psyche to convince you. Having fun as a part of your relationship should be the cornerstone to everything you do.
When you go to the store you can incorporate having fun as a part of your relationship by picking out new things to eat that may spark a memory or fun feeling. You can guess the cost of the grocery bill and the winner gets spoils or the loser is penalized in some way. Plan a spontaneous adventure like a picnic at the park. Leave love notes in the car. Plan a date night. Light the candles. Have a camp out in the backyard for the two of you. Be creative.
Having fun as a part of your relationship is not just something you should do at the movies or the amusement park, anyone can have fun there. If you see having fun as a part of your relationship when you are going to the doctor or driving to work in the morning are then you will be happy for the rest of your life together with your partner. Change your focus to what can I do to make this moment fun and exciting instead of focusing on the problems. You can’t imagine what a difference this will make on the way your relationship works. The focus becomes the two of you going through life with fun and celebration for the moments that you share together.
It can’t be stressed enough the impact that having fun as a part of your relationship can have on every aspect of your life.
What ideas do you have for spending time together ?