Loosen Up And Be Irresponsible With Your Partner –
Tap Into Your Fun Side
The title of this great relationship tip will throw some people off because it appears as if you are being asked to be irresponsible as in not caring about anything. This is not the meaning, the meaning of this tip is that it is good for your relationship if you have a day or an evening or another time acting silly and not being so much of a grown up. Forget all of your responsibilities and your education level and just go out and have some spontaneous fun, fun that doesn’t require intense thought and dedication. Time to loosen up and be irresponsible with your partner – tap into your fun side.
It helps for everyone to be able to let go every now and then and if you don’t you will just regret the missed opportunity for a long time. When we talk about being carefree as a great relationship tip this does not mean to go out and be careless around other people or destroy someone’s good time at a movie or dinner. This means that you go do an activity together that requires no thought or intellectual investment and you don’t think about it one iota.
Every single day is full of responsibilities and duties and long, never ending “To Do” Lists. Just let it all go – it will be there when you return. Forget your usual need to plan every detail. Life is short and sometimes it just calls for us to lose ourselves in each other and enjoy the time we have together.
Think back to some of the things you dis together that made you laugh so hard- well you know the rest. Enjoy each other. Let yourself go if even for a few hours.
Then once your time out from life for a few hours is over – you can go back to your normal routine, but it I guarantee that you will do so with a renewed energy and motivation and renewed love for each other. Try it and let me know what you did to be irresponsible and carefree.